Scrubbing the Floor is Necessary
The Renewed Mind
“I believe, what you think about me. So, I’ll repeat the confessions of your love for me, now I breathe the life of your word in me. So, I’ll never forget it.”-Casey J (song: Journal)
You know how I said in the first blog (From Worthless to Worthy) that it was only just the beginning…Well, I wasn’t kidding. The journey through healing to wholeness has not been easy but it has been rewarding. The scripture Romans 12:2 was not playing when it talks about keeping a renewed mind. Understand that the enemy’s playing ground is your mind and we can’t let him have it!
Cinderella didn’t like scrubbing the floors but what she didn’t realize is that the constant motion of moving the mop back and forth was routine for getting the floor cleaned. Renewing your mind with God’s word is routine for keeping your mind clean of negative thoughts and thought patterns. It’s not that you’re not allowed to feel certain feelings but it’s so that you don’t dwell in those poor feelings long enough to get the mind dirty again. I’m pretty sure Cinderella cleaned those floors daily! So you must renew daily!
Here are a few tips on how I keep my mind cleaned:
1. Worship. Anyone who knows me knows I love worship music and ever since I became a “free” worshipper (meaning I no longer hide anything from God) it has become one of the ways I keep my mind renewed on who God is. My worship, ushers me into his presence which gives me the access to hear him speak to and re-affirm my heart. (Make sure you write down what he says so that you can go back to it in the future. Those become renewing affirmations as well)
2. Affirmation scriptures. The word of God says, “to meditate on the word day and night.'“ Now this doesn’t have to be the whole bible. You could focus on one scripture that speaks to your situation for a week or two and ask God to reveal what that scripture means for you. Use it when enemy tries to still your focus and challenge God’s truth in your life that you will use the scripture that you have been studying to put him to flee.
3. Speak back to the enemy. When you hone in on “Greater is He that is within me, than the one in the world.” (1 John 4:4) you begin to realize that the same power God has, is the same power that dwells on the inside of you through the Holy Spirit. You can fight back with the word of God and put the enemy in his place where he belongs which is in the pits of hell and out of your head. Just like Christ said to the enemy before, “It is written.” Meaning what God says can’t be undone, for he is not a man that he should lie.
As a person who can dwell in their feelings for some time (depending on situation) it takes time for me to renew my mind especially after a disappointment or after God tells me to wait on something I was expecting to happen. I’ve learned to always go back to what God has told me, what his word says about me and what I know to be true and I stick to that. Since I have been on this journey of worthiness, I am learning to stay in a constant place of reminding myself that I am deserving of what God has for me and that His plan for my life will come to life.
Remember that God doesn’t hold anything against you. Once you have asked for forgiveness and repent from your sins He remembers no more. So don’t condemn yourself; move on with the grace given.
Ask Yourself: How are you renewing your mind? Remember what goes in, comes out.